A Blog for Baby

They say, every child is a blessing. Our new-born son is, indeed, God's blessing to us.
We did not wait long. In fact, it felt like it was a short time waiting but we cherished every moment. Now that he's out in this beautiful world, with this blog, we'll try to capture each smile, cry, step and every milestone in his life. More importantly, we'll post our thoughts and feelings as best as we could describe through this blog.

In each post, we'll share our discoveries, adventures, successes and failures just the same, with the hope that sometime in the future, we'll have something to look back and ponder on with lessons learned and memories that we hope will last longer than we can imagine.

For our son, let this be a guide, a souvenir of sorts and most importantly, a reminder that we, your parents, love you and only wish the best for you.