Little MiGS has rashes on his face so we went to see our favorite Pediatrician, Dr. Christi Klimisch, last Saturday. She said it could be a mild case of Eczema. Obivously, we're totally bummed about this. The worst thing about it is that apparently, there is no cure for Eczema and that one way to treat it is moisturizing the affected area and for worse cases, use of topical steroids (e.g., hydrocortisone) is needed. She recommends we use Vaseline or Aquaphor to protect the skin and to keep the moisture in the skin and if the symptoms persist, we should use 1% hydrocortisone, which is available over-the-counter. She warned that the use of the hydrocortisone should be kept to a short period of time.
I've read a few articles about this and so far, there is no definitive findings for this condition. One study says, that one cause could be hygiene, or too much of it. Like Asthma and other allergies, it is acquired during developmental stages when the necessary exposure to beneficial bacteria and other immune system modulators were missed out. An unusually clean environment kills both the harmful but also the helpful bacteria. On the other hand, another study says that it could be caused by excrements from house dust mites. So, we can't be too clean and yet we can't have dust either. If anything, we are probably more on the "too clean" side.
One good thing though, MiGS is now 10lbs 4oz. It's quite a leap from his last check-up. We'll have another one in about two weeks.
I've read a few articles about this and so far, there is no definitive findings for this condition. One study says, that one cause could be hygiene, or too much of it. Like Asthma and other allergies, it is acquired during developmental stages when the necessary exposure to beneficial bacteria and other immune system modulators were missed out. An unusually clean environment kills both the harmful but also the helpful bacteria. On the other hand, another study says that it could be caused by excrements from house dust mites. So, we can't be too clean and yet we can't have dust either. If anything, we are probably more on the "too clean" side.
One good thing though, MiGS is now 10lbs 4oz. It's quite a leap from his last check-up. We'll have another one in about two weeks.