MiGS is Now 4 Months Old

MiGS and his cake
MiGS has reached yet another milestone today, his 4th month. Coincidentally, we also had a check-up with Dr. Christi Klimisch.

At the doctor's office
He now weighs 13lbs 15oz (within the 25th percentile), is 24 3/4 inches long (within the 30th percentile) and his head now has 16inches circumference (within the 40th percentile).

He also had his next batch of vaccines and as expected, he did not like the needles. He cried really hard but only for a short while. 
But what was most interesting was when Dr.Klimisch had MiGS lay on his tummy, he attempted to crawl, twice. That was the first. At four months, he tried crawling before he can even turn-over by himself. We'll post that video shortly.
Tres Leches Single Layer Cake
from Wholefoods Market

So, over all he's growing and progressing normally and he's very healthy. Though, the doctor said we should expect MiGS to be fussy and possibly run a slight fever from the vaccine shots in the next two days.