MiGS is Now 10 Months Old

MiGS has yet reached another milestone today. He is now 10 months old and still growing and progressing as normal as he can be.

He is now clapping his hands. And as far as learning how to walk, I think he decided to keep crawling first. He crawls all over the floor like he's been doing it for a long time. It seems now that he is really comfortable crawling, he is now a bit more afraid to stand up and take steps. We're not losing hope, of course, we'll let him take his time.

He looks like he has grown a couple of inches since his last check-up and he seems heavier now, too. But what's more interesting is that he's trying to communicate and interact with us more (and at times, he sounds like he's trying to sing). He babbles all the time. And even though we don't understand what exactly what he says, it gives us a lot of joy knowing that soon enough, he'll be chatting with us.